Egg Fart City

Yes it’s me again! John is busy uploading more photos. Plenty more pictures of birds ;). I need a camera cable before I can do any of mine so you will have to continue waiting in suspense.

Anyway. Rotorua (city of rotten egg aromas) is our current location. It has sulphur rich thermal vents which may be bubbling mud pools or steaming vents and it has a few top geysers too (and also some hot spurting water thingies). We went to a thermal park yesterday and had a really good look around. I think we got used to the smell and spent a fair amount of time hovering over the vents trying to take a decent photo. You got a lot of foul smelling stuff down yer lungs but I think we were a bit too fascinated to take any notice. Got drenched by the geyser too.

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When we left the park and the distractions of interesting frothy, bubbling, colourful, wet and smelly stuff had been removed I noticed that I wasn’t feeling too wonderful. I was about as close to chucking up as you can possibly be without actually doing the deed. John thought I was joking when I said ‘at least there’s some carrier bags in the glove compartment.’ Maybe you’ll not thank me for planting such an image.

Anyway, all of this is not going to stop us going to another couple of thermal areas. It’s all well cool! We’ve not even been here three weeks and it is truly amazing the amount of fantastic things you can see and do in New Zealand (and that’s just the north island).

Off to see a village that was buried in a volcanic eruption. Ok, ok. Partially buried. There wouldn’t exactly be much to see otherwise.

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Take care you all and take a look at the new photos on John’s flickr site.

VivSev and JohnHob xxxx







2 responses to “Egg Fart City”

  1. Anthony avatar

    Hey guys, just a quickie but thought I’d wish you a merry festive period innit. Hope you’re having a ball wherever you landed.


  2. Uncle Mike & Auntie Janet avatar
    Uncle Mike & Auntie Janet

    Hi Viv & John
    glad to see you’re having a good time and hope you manage to sell the camper van without too much bother. New-Zealand looks beautiful you lucky buggers it’s a place I’ve always wanted to go, but with John living in San Francisco I don’t think we’ll ever get to New-Zealand. Take care of each other
    All our love Uncle Mike & Auntie Janet