It’s new years eve

Ay up you lot. Happy new year in advance.

We’ve moved on to Napier now. Many thanks to Ros and Tony for looking after us so well. Ros sent us off with some of her wonderful banana and chocolate muffins, happy days! Napier is a cool place, certainly our favourite town in New Zealand so far. It was totally destroyed in an earthquake in the 1930s and was then rebuilt in art deco. It has a great vibe too. Last night we slept parked up on a main road and still managed to get a decent night in, we’re very much adapting to the ‘roughing it’ lifestyle. It’s weird, every time we move on to another place we get a real buzz and start singing the theme tune to the littlest hobo. We sing it very badly and don’t know most of the words. I used to pretend I didn’t like that programme when I was younger and then watched it when my Dad wasn’t about. show_random($num=4, $tags=’napier’); ?>

We’re looking forward to tonight, the first time we’ve allowed ourselves to go out and get tanked. Hoping to wake up at some point on new years day…..

Since John wrote the last post we’ve been across the Tongoriro volcano range. It was used as Mordor in Lord of the rings, if you go onto my flickr site there are a few pictures. John’s are better but he’s not loaded them up yet so you will have to wait. Tongoriro was a good old climb to the top, that bit of the crossing is called the devil’s staircase. We really enjoyed skidding down the other side in all the scree though. It was amazing to stand in the crater of an active volcano although there were a hell of a lot of other people there which took the gloss off it a little.

show_random($num=4, $tags=’tongariro’); ?>

Anyway, we’ll wish you all a happy new year again and catch up with you in 2006!

Take care

Siv and Johnhob xxx







12 responses to “It’s new years eve”

  1. Keith avatar

    Shinnen-omedetou (can guess what that means?)! Nice pictures of MORDOR! Just got back from Akita a couple of days ago and that felt like an episode from Lord of the Rings, never seen so much snow, all mad blizzards and thunder and lightning which I didn’t think happened at the same time. Also went to outdoor bubbling springs and sat with my head above the water in the falling snow like them monkeys, then had a mad naked dash into the snow. Think that part is in Return of the King. Nearly had a heart attack. Speaking of the littlest hobbo, I sometimes sing the theme tune at the local karaoke box, somehow quite fitting. Amazing some of the stuff they have here. Anyway, enough gassing from me, I suppose that’s what email is for. Yoi 2006 otoshi-o and watch out for goblins.

  2. Keith avatar

    Forgot to ask – do you know anyone called Andy?

  3. Rach avatar

    Did you miss the earlier comment? They know a lot of people called Andy! 🙂

    Great photos. I was confused by all the ‘etc etc IN MORDOR’ ones until you clarified. Probably already counting down to NYE in New Zealand by the time I post this!

  4. Deb/Mum avatar

    Great nostalgic pics; I never got that buzz from the ones I took around Rotorua and Taupo 30yrs ago (after the event.
    Happy New Year and loads of love to both you guys from Dad and me.
    Why no pics of Ros and Tony? Or even of the choc and banana muffins?
    Keep well and happy.

  5. An Andy/the bro/son/pest avatar
    An Andy/the bro/son/pest

    Happy New Year!!!!!!! Hope everyone had a good one…..not as good as the two travellers though i bet. don’t worry travellers, you’ve not missed much…harry potter was rubbish…actually it’s probably good if you’ve read the books.. anyway if ya find any rings in them there hills id advise leaving them where they are…heard they can get ya into trouble….and big battles with creatures of the dark…and while i’m on the subject if ya see any small country type folk with big hairy feet i’d steer clear..they could lead you astray…finally don’t trade your lovely camper van in for a couple of horses…the exchange may seem attractive at the time but i feel in the long run you could lose out…over and out..Andy_hob

  6. Andy (Rightee) & JA avatar
    Andy (Rightee) & JA


    we are loafing eating roast vegetables and drinking wine on new years day. Enjoying the photos of MORDOR! – JA.

    Ello! Having a good new year. Off to Cornwall for a week tomorrow – Sleeper train business. We had some snow in Sheffield but it’s all gone now. Laters. – Andy

  7. Higton avatar

    Spent the New Year’s Eve in the company of Bulgarians. In Walthamstow.

    Pleased to see MORDOR! is still there, although I am far more intrigued by The Night of the She-Bat. Have a grrrr-eat 2006. And that’s to everyone.

  8. Andy & Sarah (c'mon u saints!) avatar
    Andy & Sarah (c’mon u saints!)

    Hi John + Viv, Happy New Year!
    We’ve finally managed to read the whole of this mammoth journal (not quite seen all the pics yet) and we are really envious of your journey.
    We’re just getting ready for our conventional package skiing holiday to Austria in two weeks time, but it just doesn’t compare to your adventures!
    Hope you continue to enjoy your travels safely – not sure bungee jumping could ‘fall’ into this category.
    Don’t forget, that if you’re around the Americas in July and fancy a trip to Cuba your welcome to join us! Andy Bratt

  9. Mary avatar

    Happy New Year lovelies.
    Back to work today for most of us 🙁

    Bet you’re not missing that!

    leaves the room singing……………
    “there’s a voice,
    that keeps on calling me.
    down the road,
    is where i’ll always be.
    every stop i make,
    i’ll make a new friend.
    can’t stay for long, just turn around and i’m gone again.

    maybe tomorrow, i’ll wanna settle down,
    until tomorrow, i’ll just keep moving on
    down this road, that never seems to end,
    where new adventure, lies just around the bend

    so if you wanna join me for a while,
    just grab your hat, come travel light,
    that’s hobo style……………………….”

  10. Sev avatar

    Ha ha! Thanks Mary! We can sing it properly now….

    Off to the South Island tonight so we’ll be singing it big style!

  11. Deb and John (Jersey) avatar
    Deb and John (Jersey)

    Happy New Year to you both!

    Hope 2006 is completely wonderful!

    Loving your news – and photos. Don’t know whether you got to hear about our news – one more boonie on the way – due end June!!!!

    Big hugs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    PS – can’t get that bloody song out of my head now! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. Sev avatar

    Wow! That’s wonderful news, congrats! Does that mean you were a little bit preggers when we came to visit?

    Have you sang the song? Maybe that might get it out of your system. We’re grinning and imagining you doing just that!

    Viv xxxxxx