Now for the other bits

Ay up!

Got a bit of time to kill before I go white water rafting so thought I’d add to John’s post. He’s gone off to do a sky dive. He’s using his leaving money from Ufi to do it, so thanks guys! What a nutter though, I’m really nervous for him. Can’t wait until he’s back safe and sound.

Anyway, just thought i’d mention another couple of things. We’ve been staying at free or low cost Department of Conservation camp sites. They’re in some pretty dramatic locations and never have lights so you get amazing views of the stars. The great thing about the silver bullet is that you can just stay in bed and see them through the sky lights. Ace! Another interesting thing about these sites is you end up getting ready in the morning at tremendous speed before you get bitten to death by evil sandflies. John seems to enjoy killing them more than I expected. It’s almost as if he’s dissapointed after he’s got the last one out of the van. Very funny though.

Another thing worth mentioning is that Mark and Martin took us caving last week. It was basicly an underground walk wading through a stream. It got up to my waist (or John’s ankles ;)) in places but it was so cool inside. The cave was really smooth and some amazing shapes. (Don’t worry mum and dad, this was a signposted walk and we checked the height of the water before we went in. Just in case you thought we’d been off into some random flooded death trap.) Anyway, think I could really get into caving. Look forward to doing more!

John mentioned all of the walks we’ve been on. We’re certainly much fitter. The walk to Avalance peak was really difficult. It was so steep on the way down that I fell over and ended up dangling from a metal post that I grabbed. I got my balance again and jumped down safely. Unfortunatly the post that saved me made a bit of a mess of my right hand so I ended up in the first aid when we got down. It’s healing really well though so i’m pleased. I have now learned to walk a little more slowly down hill. That walk was half scramble and half climb though! Really glad we did it, the views were amazing and we had a real sense of achievement afterwards.

Anyway, that’s enough from me for now. We hope to catch up with John’s aunt tomorrow as she’s in the area.

Sees ya all later and take care

Viv/Sev xx

P.S. John will not be going near a computer for the next day or so as we’re watching a delayed Man Utd v Liverpool match tomorrow afternoon. John/Dad no texts of the score this time please. 😉




