Things have got a little better

I was amused to read John’s last post. He so rarely gets frustrated, it’s usually me jumping up and down with steam coming out of my ears. I feel a little better now.

Yesterday was indeed very frustrating but today has been great. We managed to go out caving. There was only us two and the guide so we got to do some tricky moves. After we went through the fairly tight ‘fat man’s nightmare’ (or something like that) we crawled through the ‘skinny man’s horror’ (or whatever) This cave was that tight that you had to take your helmet off and go in arms first. You had to nudge your helmet along and wriggle. It was fantastic. We saw some little bent winged bats and got to go around without the lights on, just feeling our way. It was fantastic and the guide was really passionate about caving. Really getting into this, it may become a hobby when we get home! show_random($num=4, $tags=’capricorn’); ?>

Outside of the caves there were wallabies sprawled all over the place. Displaying dangly bits and totally ignoring all humans. John nearly trod on one. He’s rather good at not looking where he’s going, had to stop him standing on a snake last week. I suppose his feet are rather a long way from his face. ;). show_random($num=1, $tags=’wallaby’); ?>

Anyway, we’re all happy now and looking forward to a week in the wilderness. Once you manage to get out there it really is truly amazing. But for tonight we have apple pie and custard. Bliss!

Love to everyone back home!

xxxxx Viv/Sev







4 responses to “Things have got a little better”

  1. Andy W avatar
    Andy W

    “Displaying dangly bits and totally ignoring all humans” Was that John or the wallaby?

    I concur that John rarely ever gets annoyed. Just don’t mention the words foot-pump and shambala to him! I have a rather amusing video of that event..

  2. Deb/Mum avatar

    I just love your descriptions, both of you, even when life is a bit infuriating. just wait till you get to Africa! You just need to get more laid-back and let the Irish in you come on out, John!
    Great e-mail from Gerald about some exciting songs he was give nby Rachel Hadow; Article in current English Folk Dance and Song mag. As not everyone subscribes to this we’ll save you details!!
    Have fun with your bats and wallabies! love HobparentsXX (Talk soon)

  3. Gareth Bishop avatar
    Gareth Bishop

    Howdy John! Remember me?

    I see you’re travelling the world – so am I! How long are you in Australia for? I’m in Vietnam at the moment – travelling South-East Asia for another 2 months and then headed for Australia on 1st May – drop us an email and let us know what your plans are – maybe our paths will cross at some point!



  4. J-Hob avatar

    Hey there Gaz man! Of course I remember you… particularly our awful jamming in Earnshaw with Jim, ah those were the days!

    We’re leaving Aussie in a few weeks time as we need to be in Japan early in April and from there we’ll be on to China so looks like we’ll miss each other. I think we’ll be in Asia for a while and then moving on to Africa for a bit and finally South America sometime around the end of this year at a guess. How long are you out for and where else are you heading? Would be great if we could meet up, if not we can bore each other with our ‘wild’ travel stories when we’re both back in ol’ blighty.

    Enjoy your travels!

    Rightee – not sure I ever want to see that video, although looking back it was a very funny incident!