Quick post from Madagascar


Going to keep this brief as dont have much time and this french keyboard makes it infuriatingly slow to type!

We arrived last Thursday and are currently having lots of orientation lessons about the work of azafady and have spent two afternoons carry sods of earth to and fro.

We have a Madagascqr mobile that you cqn call us on. The number is 00261 324 356336. It quite cheap to call through skype apparently. Best time to call is from 4pm your time till about 7ish. (from 3 till 6 when the clocks go back)

Finally, Rio Tinto mining company are evil and want to destroy much of Madagascar’s remaining forests and you should buy stuff from traidcraft as they are one of azafady’s main sponsors.


John and Viv







2 responses to “Quick post from Madagascar”

  1. Andy avatar

    Glad it’s going well over there! Will try to give you a ring soon.

  2. paula hardwick avatar
    paula hardwick

    eh up you two, great to hear from you. what a coincidence, me and nic t where just talking about you two today. wondering how you were and what madagascar was like. sounds like an amazing place. what a fab experience you are both having!

    No news on Ufi, apart from it chugs along like that programme Bits and Bobs on Ceebeebies. See you soon, viv, theres defo some work for you at Ufi when you come back to the UK. Keep in touch x